


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

New life begin...!


Bersiaran dr my new office ...hehehehe ofis la sangat...!

So, im officially unemployed last Friday.
My last day kerja di TM adalah Khamis 14 Aug 2014...
And on Wednesday, my officemate semua celebrated my last day in TM.

They snap some photo and shared with me but i had no chance lagi utk duduk bebetul and hadap blog ni.
Ni pun ambik masa sket while customer tak ramai utk bukak jap this blog
Alhamdulillah, this week, dah ada new staff to help me kat kedai , so ok la, dapat la curi2 masa to blog.

Alhamdulillah juga, penantian utk menjaga sendiri anak2 telah terlaksana walaupun bukan 100%.
Sebab my Aniq masih di KL now with papa while twin kat sini with me.
In sha Allah by September, settle jer his UPSR, he will be with me here like 24/7.
Tapi sedihnya, i will be away from papa...tapi papa janji he only need a year..and by then in sha Allah, dapatlah kitorang duk sesama.

Ok la guyz...later will share new story...

Got to go