


Saturday, 30 March 2013

Ibu dah nak exam...cuaknyer!!!


Requirement kerja kat ofis is getting harder.
Maklumlaaa after pelarasan gaji yang kononnya best sangat...semua staff dah tak boleh rileks.
We had to attend few exam..yang akan tentukan in which level of work knowledge you are.
Starting with the green belt, then blue not sure but the highest will be black belt.
I dont damn care what colour of the belt would be next , after the green , because the green one pun is soo much unbearable for me.

Our unit are 'system ' environment and we still need to be great in 'network' env...iaitu another unit punya hal.
They give class, study group n such, but im the 'lucky' one yang terpilih to be in the first batch  which they choose mengikut 'seniority' .
The first batch should be 'expert' in the eye of higher management, so short time given , classes , study group n no more extra time, terus exam.

If u fail the first exam, management sangat la baik hati, they give u second attempt and after second one, if u still fail, u need to 'face' the biggest bos in our division.
It call challenge session, he will challenge u why u still need to be keep in the unit or div.

To be honest, i memang sangat2 tak tahu apa2 pasal to grab, understand semua network environment in our company in short time, such a big thing to me.

I attended classes scheduled (tak wajib)..n few study group, but seriusly, i think im soo lembab that i still cannot get it.
Rasanya masa nak dapat degree dulu is much more easier than this la..

Kerja dah la berlambak, meeting here n there, bila la nak focus study, ada la dalam 15 module u kena faham n nanti exam ada 60 question, n u will be given 60 min.
1 Min , i question , haishh laaa apa aku nak jawab eh.

This week, papa freezekan semua plan, he said , ibu kena duk rumah n study.
Ok , agreed..i pun cuak okayy...

Malam semalam pukul 3 pagi, tiba2 tekak rasa perit..takleh telan air liur, bangun berkali2 minum air masak
Papa bangun subuh, sah , ibu demam n selsema.

Makan sebiji ubat selsema, mata tak boleh celik.
Papa hantar bibik ke Puchong, minggu ni dia hantar dia balikl rumah sewa dia.
Ibu tak sedar apapun .
Bangun tidur, kepala masih berat.
Papa masak bubur.
Lepas makan, rehat lagi..

Bila nak study ni ???
Esok dah Sunday kan ...pastu Monday kerja, memang tak boleh study, Selasa dah exam.

Matikkk laaaa!!!!

1 comment:

  1. study slow....Insya Allah kak ida u can do it:) i support u
