


Sunday, 18 November 2012

Another day

Salam ,

Another weekend day without my other half.
Miss him a lot like i never be away from him hahahah...sedangkan dulu almost 3 years dia duk jauh di Karachi n im all alone here...errr not really alone, i got Aniq that time..n i got very 'motherly' helper..and also kawan2 yang banyak membantu.
But itu kisah lama,nowadays bila dah ada twin, n he's away, rasa alahaiii berat nya to face my routine.

Tadi ibu keluar makan, after dua hari terkurung dalam rumah, kids dah buhsan , so i brought them out for dinner.Aleesa betul2 manja with me so dia buat perangai, tak macam  bila papa ada...masa tu rasa owhhh how i need papa least papa just have to jengilkan mata n Aleesa akan sangat2 behave.
Thank God, Aleeya ok n senang di manage oleh Aniq.
Kalau dua2 buat perangai pengsan ibu kat kedai makan tu .

Pagi tadi, kids only had coco crunch for breakfast.
After siapkan breakfast budak2, ibu makan cereal jugak dengan dorang but bukan coco crunch, the healthy one konon2 utk diet.
After that..ibu jemur kain .

Masa tengah jemur kain, ibu rasa kepala berpusing2 ..aishh, dah pernah experience pitam kat ampaian kain tu, this time papa takder, kalau apa2 jadi payah cepat2 ibu masuk ke dalam rumah dan baring.
Perut rasa mual semacam..betul2 macam org morning sickness...kepala rasa berat n tekak perit..itu tanda2 nak before melarat ibu amik pil selsema dan baring.

Nasib baik by 12 ibu rasa better so cepat2 bangun masak nasi n siapkan ayam masak kicap jer.
Itu jer sempat buat n sempat fikir.

Menepati selera semua...tak pedas so twin pun boleh makan.
Itu lah satu2 lauk yang ada..

Lepas makan n solat zohor, ibu duk depan tv, n dapat la melipat sebakul kain.

Kids bangun tidur at 3.30pm, merengek asking for sumting to munch.
I got limited barang in the pantry sebab tak sempat nak do the shopping lagi.
Tapi i got flour, fresh milk, ibu campur je bahan2 tu, campur sket baking powder, sugar n also choc chip.
Then ibu deep fry like cekodok bilis, but this one cekodok lemak manis for the kids.
This is my first time ever buat this kind of cekodok.
Both twin enjoy sangat n surprisingly Aniq pun suka n dia tanya why all this while ibu never buat this cekodok.
Seriusly ibu pun baru jer reka tadi n if all of u suka, next time ibu buat lagi.
I dont ever have the right sukatan pun, just bancuh n rasa, nampak texture like cekodok n dah enough lemak n sket manis, terus fry.

This is how it look like, dalam tu hitam2 tu choc chip.
It looks like cekodok biasa, tapi rasa nya lemak n bila dapat choc chip tu, manis dia even more laa...

dah malam, balik jer dr dinner, semua seronok sebab kenyang, so they watch tv sambil ber 'chicken dance' lead by abang

Tertonggek tonggek hehehe...

Betul la kan pepatah ada cakap..
kenyang perut suka hati...


  1. hehehhe, aniq sgt helpful...abang yg baikkkk. i can feel what u rasa sekarang, sbb all my daughter tak boleh diam if ddk dgn i compare bila father dia ada

  2. but they are da roses in our heart aite? salam kenal.. ^__^

  3. Hello Ida, it's absence makes the love fonder.
    You got great looking kids there. Bet they miss daddy too.
    Have a great week and keep a song in your heart.

  4. NDT: yea..hes being a really good abang to the twin..I think its normal kot, kids ni ada papa baru behave
    RR:indeed...they are roses in our heart..salam kenal to u too
    UL: tq for drop by.
