


Friday, 31 May 2013

My homemade beef patty


I always have problem to eat ready made burger.
Tak kira jenama Ramly ker Abu ker apa ker.
Everytime papa beli burger outside, he will surely tapau me 'benjo'.
Tho i a'ways love beef, but ready made one normally tak boleh accepted.
Yea, im a fussy eater too like Aniq, hehehe but he is worse laaa.

So, because of i pun nak enjoy eating burgers like other, i opted for homemade one.
I learn from youtube long tima ago to make beef patty .
And since then i will always prepare it myself .

I normally buat dengan 1kg of beef and ill get the result of 10 pieces of patty.
But , 1 pcs is quite big so, makan sebiji burger tu memang surely akan kenyang gila.
If only takdak stok dah, baru la opted for the ready made one utk hidang to my family but surely i tak makan punya hehehe.

Last two days,my beef patty stock dah habis dan i buat new stock with only 500gm of beef and i only manage to get 4 pcs.
And bila korek2 i jumpa plak ayam cincang Ramly in the fridge and terus buat chicken patty sekali.

Since lapar snagat, lepas buat , terus grill dua ketul .
Seketul beef and seketul ayam.

I grill using my grill pan, n tutup pan tu , pasang api perlahan so it will cook perfectly kat dalam.
Since the patty is quite thick, it is important to cook it right.

You will get juicy patty , with such a great flavour inside.
Kalau makan dengan roti burger, buh segala salad , coleslaw tu, perghhhh, memang heaven beb..!

But since im in my diet yang tak benarkan i take any carbs, so i makan macam tu jer dengan sayur.

It may look not nice, but believe me, it taste heaven.
Letak plak a slice of cheese on top of it...fuuuhhh..malas nak citer la apa rasa dia hehehe.

I brought the patty to office baru2 ni, n my friends enjoy having it.
They asked me for the recipe and i will share the recipe here.

U can also google and youtube for the recipe.
Thousand of recipe ada , siap tunjuk cara lagi.
Mine, i just bubuh whatever i had in the kitchen.
Yet , it still taste superb.

So, this is my recipe;

500gm daging cincang
(u can use Ramly, yang dah siap pack tu, but i always love to use yang dalam pack kat rack daging or yang freshly dicincang at butcher..but still, both taste lebih kurang jer)
1 atau 2 biji bawang besar (tengok saiz)
sebiji telur.
basil (takder pun takper )-lebih kurang sesudu kecik
parsley (if u have frsh one is better)-lebih kurang 3 helai atau sesudu kecik kalau guna kering
sedikit perasa (like ajinmoto if u wantr, ada orang tak suka letak, pun takper jugak)


Bawang potong dadu.
gaul jer semua dalam daging tu.
Masuk jer segala bahan dalam tu.
Bahagi dua daging yang dah siap campur dengan segala bahan tu.
then bahagi lagi kepada dua bahagian.
Dapat 4 bahagian, bulat2kan dan tekan sikit.
Boleh simpan dalam frige.

Nak pakai boleh grill or goreng anytime.
But believe me, if u grill, lebih baik, the juice inside it sangat best dan heaven.

Try and enjoy the superb taste of your homemade patty!!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Kisah pic frame lagi


Meh sambung kisah frame gambar.
Ingat tak i citer pasal frame gambar i beli kat Daiso.
I ada cerita kat sini.

So, pendekkan citer, i bawak laaa balik frame2 gambar tu ke rumah mok.
Ready to hias meja mok with the frame.

Ok, ini guna frame murahan Giant tu.
Yang colour coklat cerah tu
Pic tak berapa cantik sebab pic dalam tu ngam2 dalam frame tu.

Pastu, satu hari tu, masa kat rumah mok la, papa ajak laaa i jalan2  dan kita g ke kedai RM2 kat kg tu.
Okay, im sooo surprise bila dapat tau that kedai RM2 tu bukan macam kedai RM2 yang biasa kita jumpa.
Seriusly was like Daiso, tapi nama dia jer RM2.
Bayangkan u can have most of the Daiso item here with only RM2
So, jalan2 tinjau2..terjumpa plak dengan frame yang better .

Apa lagi balik umah mok, terus ganti frame2 lama yang kecik tu with the one i bought at RM2 shop tu.

Better kan.
Pic tu at least ada space sket in between the frame tu.

Maka frame2 lama ni  i simpan mulanya.
Tapi pastu papa pulak masukkan pic2 lama dia jumpa dalam rumah mok and he hang the pic kat family hall kat dapur.
Unfortunately i lupa nak snap .
Next time in sha Allah.

Ok , itu kisah frame kat rumah my mum.
Hari tu kan lepas adjust2 the pic with the frame, i kan dapat letak pic2 utk rumah i sekali.
Lamaaaa nak suh papa hang.
Finally recently he spend his time to ketuk dinding for the frame.

3 keping jer.
Kat ruang study papa

Now space papa ni nampak berseri sket. 
Ini kat ruang atas.

Sebelum2 ni memang  i have special frame space in the house.
Kat bawah tangga rumah kita.
Alang2 citer frame, share sekali la space ni.

Ada pic family both side dalam frame besar tu

Later cadangnya nak tambah few frame lagi nak hang.
Cuma masih mencari pic2 yang sesuai

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Happy Birthday Alin..!!


Today ada dua entry.
Special sebab hari ni besday Alynn.
Si selempang gals.

It was like tradition in our team, to celebrate each one birthday and today is Alynn's turn.

Kebetulan Fara kat luar.
Attending seminar kat One World hotel.
So keep on whatsapp  asking for the cake n such.

Bagi 3 pilihan ni, from Wondermilk.

As we all knew Alynn always love pink, we decided for the pink/red one.
We knew she love rainbow cake juga but we cannot find the cake at the very short time like this.
So the ala2 rainbow like that jer yang ada.
It was actually devils chocolate inside.

Sampai kat ofis, simpan dulu kek tu.

Dalam setengah jam lepas tu, baru pakat2 berkumpul kat another side yang she cannot see us and sibuk with the candle tu.

Erni bawak kek,

Erni and Fara

Her 26th birthday

The cake

Besday girl

Kami...Selempang Gals

To my dear sister, 
Happy birthday dear..
Semoga Allah memberi segala rahmatNya kepadamu.
Semoga diberkati hidupmu ..dipanjangkan umur , dimurahkan rezeki..diberikan kesihatan , kebahagiaan hidup, di dunia dan akhirat.


Mami Jarum Jr


Long time no see haaaa.
Semalam i cuti, tapi sebab tertinggal notebook kat ofis, so even banyak masa kat rumah , tak dapat jugak membikin entry.
PC ada.
Tapi satu kerja nak transfer pic la apa la kan .

Modal tak berapa nak ada sebenarnya.
Ada few pic utk next entry.
Tapi untk today, saja nak share pic2 budak kembar berdua masa kenduri kat Muor hari tu. 
Beria dengan rantai dan gelang..dah macam mami jarum hahahaa.


Masa ni boleh nampak beza kan kakak n adik...kakak slightly bigger than adik.
Tengok kelapa laaaaa...hehehe

Monday, 27 May 2013

Jumaat Sabtu dan Ahad


Khamis malam we suppose balik Muor.
Tapi ada hal kena settle.
We ended up tidur kat budget hotel di KL, stranded sebab papa kena berurusan sampai 3am.
He refused to send me home , ajak temankan, thot that the discussion will end early , sekali sampai pukul 3pgi, tak settle2.

I didnt join the discussion though i should but im soo tired, n i slept at the hotel while waiting for him.
Things was quite kelam kabut malam tu so papa pun lupa to make call to mama yang tunggu we all balik kg.
I didnt know his plan that hes goin home malam tu jugak, so i hd nothing to remind him la kan .
The next day, mama called and merajuk , sebab dia masak dinner for us n waiting for us .

And so sad that she merajuk with me too., sebab mama tau all this while, kalau papa busy, i will call n inform her but i didnt.
Im so mad with papa because he did his own plan without telling me, kalau i tau, i dah awal2 akan call mama not to cook apa2 for us .

So pagi2 Jumaat tu, papa rushed to Muor, nak ambik hati mama hehehe.
Nampak cucu2 sejuk balik hati mama.

Kita pun sejuk hati after the kelam kabut last night nyer and kepenatan, bila nampak pokok2 hijau rumah mama.

Budak berdua macam lepas penjara, rumah mama kan luas, dorang berlari keluar masuk sampai hitam kaki.
Aniq terus tak nampak bayang, g main kat rumah jiran.

The next day, kita g umah mak sedara papa for the kenduri arwah.
Kenduri arwah for her late husband (bapa saudara papa) and also utk arwah nenek papa .

Malam sabtu tu jugak kita balik ke KL takut jem.
Nana pun balik KL malam tu jugak n mama n ayah join sekali.
3 buah kereta sekali bertolak malam tu n we reached my house at 12.00 malam 

The next day, pepagi lagi mama dah keluar with atuk, pergi Putrajaya for himpunan belia and jom heboh.
We didnt join sebab i tak snaggup berpanas kat sana.
Ngah and Lin la layan mama bawak jalan2.
While Nana also duduk rumah ngan kita semua malas nak kuar.

So my Sunday, i kemas2 bilik.
susun2 kain baju dalam my wardrobe sebab bibik Ayu punya susunan kain baju sangat menyakitkan mata dan hati.

Ini kat taman mini luar , kat master bedroom tu.
remember last time i citer that kawan papa yang sangat baik hati menghadiahkan this water dispenser.
we were so busy to put whatever needed for a cup of coffee or milo , so all this while cuma minum air panas kosong.
So semalam, i pun pack laa apa2 patut utk minum2 kat bilik.

Ada Milo, tea,creamer and sugar.
No coffee as i still in my diet and papa dont drink coffee.

tangan kecik menyibuk..

petangnya, kita semua melepak kat rumah Nana di Rawang.
they spend their time main Wii game and i spend my time with melayan budak lasak berdua memanjat sana sini.
papa tak dapat tolong sebab busy with the wii game as well.

Semua dengan wii.
Atuk melayan budak berdua tu

Bila dah kena tukar turn main game, baru abang nak main dengan adik2.
Bukak baju sebab berpeluh2 main tennis with busu dia..
Dah berpeluh2 dia mengusik adik pulak, nak peluk2 adik...
Nasib budak berdua tu tak kisah asal dapat main2 ngan abang.

Tu jer laaa activity sepanjang weekend.
Takder activity menarik.