Budget for projek kolam papa kat our porch finally approved by the menteri kewangan in the house (yea..its me!).
Last Saturday when we went out for our family outing,papa manage to get whatever he needs for his kolam.
He bought nice batu ukir for the air pancut.
He bought 3 pieces of that batu and 3 bag of batu putih cantik2 for the small landscape in my master bedroom that i shared the story yesterday.
The project start on Sunday, the next daynyer.
Hes so lucky that Sunday morning, his father datang with his mother .
So atuk give a big help laaa dalam menjayakan his project tu.
After dah pasang 3 biji batu tu, papa duk pasang paip kat luar pagar and atuk getting ready nak pecahkan kolam tu.
The idea is nak buat kolam tu lebih rendah sebab awalnya dulu papa dah tersalah buat kolam tu tinggi/dalam sangat.
Atuk kalau bagi kerja camni, memang suka, berpeluh2 dia
Budak berdua ni pun , wahhh..bukan main happy bila ramai ada kat rumah.
kebetulan Nana n hb dia pun datang

So me and mama duduk dapur..to prepare lunch.
Before that , ibu dah keluar to get some nangka and ikan for lauk nak masak.
Gulai lemak nangka with a lotsss of cili padi..berpeluhh.
Layankan with sambal sotong kembang tu..i tak makan but papa berpeluh2 la makan .
Having it pulak with ikan cencaru dan kembung bakar..i wrapped all the ikan dalam daun pisang.
Memang sedap.
Cicah dengan ni haaa..mana tak sedap kan
And lauk tradisional kena lawankan denga air sirap,,,baru tradisi kan ..
Then the guys sambung kerja.
Dah lepas pecahkan kolam, its time tu simen balik with batu pecah2 tu that papa bought before
Rupa sementara papa nak cat inside the kolam
Still tak bercat lagi...but nicer with pokok inside.
View lebaih dekat kolam pancut papa..
Now sedikit budget lagi papa kata he need for the paint and sket lagi for the frame for small landscape in our bedroom.
I'll share the look bila this kolam fully siap.
Assalam..boleh tumpang tanya..pastu yang lekat kat dinding yg keluar air pancut tu beli dekat mana ya?saya tengah cari untuk letak kat kolam ikan saya.Azizi 0195777374