


Friday, 29 May 2015

Aleesa suspect leukimia...


Hai , 
Baru dapat jengah...siang tadi busy sket...tengok2 jam dah 6.30, rush pick up Aniq kat sek.
Lepas maghrib i terus lepak ofis sebab banyak benda nak google and teringat blog belum update sedangkan semalam beria janji nak update huhuhu.

So, i tried my best utk update jugak BUTTT...maafkan laaa hamba sebab memang cannot cerita hal deko tonite...

Last 2 month i have tonne of pic that i snap..pic2 berkaitan deko my house, and since my hp penuh , i transfer to one of the pc that we used in the office.
Baru2 ni when papa bukak kedai baru , semua pc2 tu dah i dont know which pc yang ada all of the pic.

I ve tried almost all of the pc that we had here and i could not find it ...
Memang rasa nak nangis but papa convinced me takkan hilang punya, nanti dia tolong carikan ....

So, meanwhile, i terpaksa la buat entry yang lain ..that nothing to do with deko...

Okay, since ada peluang sket tonite , i nak cerita pasal my dear twin adik.

The stories start with very mild fever that she get.
Demam biasa...takder batuk apa semua.
After two days. demam tak kebah2 and start demam panas yang merisaukan .
I tak tidur setiap malam and tuam all of her body utk sejukkan badan...every 5 minutes sebab dah tuam badan tak sempat pun sejuk, terus panas balik.
Towel that i used to tuam tu pun kejap jer leh kering.
Papa masa tu balik KL.

The whole day tak celik mata, makan tak nak , minum pun refuse....

Poor her.

And this is kakak...first and second day demam dia ok, masuk third day, dia start risau kan adik..tak habis2 tenung adik

kasihnya kakak pada adik..memang boleh nampak that she is soo worried, maybe adik dia tak pernah lemah cmtu...dulu masa Aleesa accident tu dia belum paham, now dah besar kan 

I pergi nearest klinik, Klinik Dr Syed kat Balok.
First pergi, dapat ubat biasa, takder antibiotik, tapi again the whole day langsung tak kebah.
Next day i went for second visit and dr bagi antibiotik.
But after two day, it doesnot work at all...i start risau and went back to the clinin, kali ni doc ambik darah takut denggi kan .

The reading of the blood test agak pelik kata doc so he asked me to see specialist.
I seriusly blank sebab Kuantan is new place for me, kalau kat KL dah tentu i straight away to Pantai or Sunway.
So asked the doc and he recommend me KPJ, (Kuantan Specialist Hospital) , tapi katanya selalu penuh, so second place i boleh pergi KMC (kuantan medical centre)...but he said if any of the hospital penuh..sebab selalunya memang penuh, he said i might go to new hospital DMMC (Darul Makmur Medical Centre), tapi he said its quite far...

So i balik rumah, pack all of her clothes sebab dah agak memang kena ward punya..and about to go bila my sister yang kebetulan ada kat sini cakap nak temankan i.
It was 7pm masa tu.
Pergilah kami anak beranak without papa, replaced with my eldest sister to accompany me.

First pergi ke KPJ as i asked my niece, she also recommend me there...but sampai jer kat kaunter dia dah cakap awal2 dah penuh.

I tak nak wasting time pergi ke KMC so i make call and as expected pun penuhj.
Memang dah buntu sangat.
Ask for papa's opinion yang masa tu tengah kelam kabut nak rush balik sini.
He said no choice , kena la g DMMC.

So, there we went.
I use waze.
Memang unfamiliar place, jauh ke dalam ...dengan hujan lebat malam tu, gelap tak nampak jalan...hanya Allah tahu punya la i berdebar.
Syukur that my sister teman.

Ok, sampai hospital...kat sini laaa terjadinya peristiwa yang merentap jantung i.
Dulu kisah Aleesa jatuh , yang bagai mati hidup semula, i pernah cerita kat sini, pun dah cukup buat jantung terhenti...malam tu pulak sekali lagi terjadi.

Masa memula sampai pun i dah takut, hospital tu takder sapa sapa pun ok, selain kami anak one section of the building, gelap gelita, maybe sebab takder orang, they tried to save budget kot heheheh.
But seriusly , i rasa cam nak kuar balik...takut jugak kan , boleh caya ke spital ni..??/ 

After register, nurse terus mintak check Aleesa dengan MO yang on duty malam tu.
He introduced me , his name is Dr Lee.

He did some check up  yang biasa, check suhu badan and tekanan darah semua , he asked me to sit.
It was only me and Aleesa dalam bilik tu.
Yang lain2 kat luar.

Then he told me .."sorry madam to tell u this, from this reading (referring to klinik dr syed test result), dia bukan demam biasa...sumting is not right , and when i said that, i mean its serius.."

Allahhhh...dalam hati i dah tak tau apa dah ..bergolak,sakit jantung.
I asked him calmly.."what do u mean by that...explain plsss.."

"Her what ever whatever whatever (panjang lebar dia explain which i cannot remember and tak fully understand but ada sket2).....this is the symptom of leukimia...yesss ur dotter memang leukimia"

It takes me few second to finally fight him..

"Sorry doc, but i think its too early for u to say that.
U refer to the test result from the clinic right, just now, the doc from klinik syed said, the result is not confirm, it might be due to the machine or such, so that is y he referred me here...i guess u should perform complete test to come out with this conclusion..AND (i tekankan kat ayat ni..) i might know nothing about medic, but basically i learn little bit and afaik, its normal that the white blood cell is high when u r not in good condition, in pain , in fever and such rite...?"

and guess what he answered me..

"I face many patient and i learn i know...!1"

Like hellloooooo...bukan kan u suppose to tenangkan i.

Bila dia nampak muka i tak puas hati then he said.

" i minta maaf to say this, tapi i cakap bena yang baik just to make u feel better pun tak guna ...baik u tau the truth.."
Like HELLL..!!!

Boleh bayang tak?
Kepala otak dah serabut, celaru duk pikir, betul ke denial pun , fight2 pun , deep inside Tuhan jer tahu risau , bimbang...semua ada..

Pendek citer, kitorang pun masuk la wad malam tu.
I called papa, confuse nak cakap ker tak, tapi hati tak senang so i cakap jugak.
He was kat temerloh dah time tu...
Tapi papa cam rileks jer, he said, takper , tunggu i sampai.
Papa sampai dalam pukul 11..memang agak laju la dia bawak, then dia dah siap belikan makanan utk semua.
Malam tu berkampung la kat bilik tu..sebab dapat sebuah bilik yang boleh tahan la besar dia...malam tu jugak specialist kanak2 masuk.
Dr Bangla,, dah tua, but ok laaa...not so bad.

Bila i cerita pasal MO tu dia cakap...its ok madam , dont worry sleep tight, she is ok, im sure she got nothing to do with leukimia..she looks active and healthy, her eyes shine , everything is good...!!
Tomorrow we'll let u know the blood test result.
Memang ada amik darah jugak malam tu.

The next day, dr tu masuk balik at 9 am camtu cakap result belum keluar, but petang at 5 pm,he came in and told me Aleesa kena lung infection , maybe due to her asthma kan .
Well, that few day before demam memang cuaca panas melampau and i ada biar dia main kat luar rumah, main basikal petang2 with kakak.
Area i dudukt u memang tak elok udara sebab kawasan kilang, lori2 angkut amang , so thats answered  laaa kan .
Then doc kata kena monitor her at least 4 to 5 berkampung la i for 5 days there.

Hoping adik can play with her

waiting and waiting....

Kakak yang penyayang ...

Just look at how concern is she...

Yang ni kelakar, they both kan food lover, bila dia offer adik, adik refuse makan , dia pun look at me and when i said, u can have it...haaaa terussss ngap

Jadi nurse bukan kerja senang yer, kerja yang sangat memenatkan ...hehehe

Adik tenung pulak kakak dia tidur,dah takder nurse dia ..

day 5...looking better, even she still refuse any food and drinks, but maybe drip kan air ...sooo ok la sket

Day 5 tu petang tu baru check out, but still doc tak bagi dia kuar main kat luar, still need to monitor her and kena datang check up lagi after a week

Balik rumah sehari, Aleeya pulak demam sampai 3 hari, then doc bagi surat suh admit jugak,..Tuhan jer la tahu penat , risau semua ada.
But lucky petang tu dia nampak ok and kta hold dulu sampai next day , esoknya Alhamdulillah, dia dah ok.

So itu la citer pasal Aleesa.

sakit jantung mak nak pasal dia ni sorang..


  1. bergenang air mata baca entry akak.
    hope anak2 will be fine

  2. ternagis baca entry ni. Part mom fight with MO. Lepas tu scroll bawah agi tengok how kind kakak menjaga adik masa sakit.. Allah.. beautiful relationship

  3. sedih hati baca entry ni..
